Activity report 2022/10/06

2022-10-06 17:09

I continue work to created my avater model.

but, it looks like work finish will take longer, because, I made plugins for Blender, or I works some times another branch work.

As one of the branch (non-essential) work, I have a remake of a model I made in the past.

many moons ago, I released "Log Bench". I am remaking it as a mesh model.

past work "Log bench",

Log bench cut Log bench

The variation of the texture increased uselessly. X(

Log shape. Log shape.

Cutting shape.
Cutting shape

I tried to reproduce the cracks expressed by the texture with a mesh model.

cracks of mesh model

For the old look like model, I rounded the corners of the mesh model and aimed for a weathered feel, but cracks and weathering feel are too subtle and no one may notice. (´・ω・`)

Tweet If you feel like it, I would be happy if you could tweet it.

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